December 20, 2021

 12:51 PM (12/20/21): "One has a point of entry in this world, and a point of departure... The clocks of our lives, run in accordance with the effects of spacetime... being refined by a human's actions, within such... Just as one cannot reach certain plateaus, without passing certain checkpoints... the principle of 'carpe diem (seizing the day)' seems to have tremendous significance... in the context of being thrust into a world, where one is not in control... of time's passage..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:56 PM (12/19/21): "If there is a 'will' there seems to be a 'way'... regarding ideals, in life... Such was the mentality, of various scientific breakthroughs... in the prior centuries... Jesus Christ likely related to this ideology, and such likely accounted for His ability to perform... several miracles... 

...assuming at the age of 33 (when Jesus was crucified), He had the biological age of an 18-year-old (even though His chronological age was 15 years greater)... then such would be an indication that at the cellular level... He was experiencing the effects of spacetime, differently... than most of His fellow brethren..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:00 PM (12/20/21): "Based off the aforementioned, 'asymptotically aging' seems possible... and such likely was something, that Jesus Christ figured out... Such likely resulted from a combination of many factors, in the context of the variables... of the spirit, mind and body..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michio Kaku speaking about the Fountain of Youth - YouTube

1:11 PM (12/20/21):

"Featured here, is an asymptotic curve... the slope (rise/run) increases, as one moves from right to left...

1:12 PM (12/20/21): "If one thought of one's age as being represented by the x-axis (horizontal) and time as the y-axis (vertical), then one can see how 'asymptotic aging' would be expressed (moving from right to left)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:02 PM (2/27/23): "Moments ago, after eating dinner (7-8 meatballs and spaghetti) and showering... I concluded that there indisputably is a correlation, between asymptotic aging (over time)... and gravity... There is a relationship between higher dimensions, and asymptotic aging..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Which Dimensions are Time and Gravity? - YouTube
